
Medicare Drug Program

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This web page refers only to people who are HIV+ and who are getting medicine through various programs in the San Antonio area.

Everybody must enroll in a private insurance program that contracts with the federal government after January 1, 2006. You will be issued a pharmacy card to get your prescriptions-- usually to a specific pharmacy.

There will be several plans available, some offering only prescription costs, others offering managed care programs. You will need to investigate the various plans to determine the best plan for you.

The cost of these benefits will depend upon your income and health status. A standard benefit will cost $32/month plus a annual deductible of $250, plus 25% of drug costs up to $2,250. You then pay all drug costs up to $5,100. After that, you will pay 5% of all costs.

Different plans have different options, and you must shop around to find the best plan for you. If you qualify as low income [<$1,197 single or <$1,604 married, monthly] and with limited assets, the government will subsidize part of the drug costs. You must apply to Social Security for assistance.  See website below for application.

Contact Medicare directly at:

Other medicine assistance websites
TexCare Medications for children

Click on link

 Pfizer Pharmacutical Free Medications.... 
Connection to Care provides free medications to eligible patients, with little administrative work for physicians. This program provides access to Pfizer's leading medicines, including Lipitor. call 800.707.8990
To quality for this FREE DRUG program-67 different medications. One must make less than 19K-if single, they send a 90 day supply of the medicine direct to your doctor's office, not to you.

Pfizer will provide FREE Viagra for folks with a limited income. They also provide a variety of other drugs for low-income folks.

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